Impressive dissertation writing tips that will save your time

You have not written a word of your dissertation and the deadline is looming large. What do you want to do – give in to the panic and miss your deadline or take up the challenge and produce an acceptable dissertation? If you are willing to rise up to the occasion then here are some tips to help you.

Think ahead

  • Don’t think about what caused the delay and what you could’ve done.
  • Set your timer at the deadline and start working backwards.

Focus on the task ahead

  • Make a plan of the process - identify broad work areas and put them in your schedule.
  • Use a planner/organizational chart or a phone app and set reminder to each task.

Get all the resources you can in one place

  • You have to minimize the time to physically hunt for resources.
  • It is a good idea to set up in the institute library in the initial stage.
  • Start taking notes as you read – multitasking will save time.
  • Bookmark passages and works – it will come in handy when you are preparing the citations page.

Keep it simple

  • Don’t attempt a complex idea or one that requires extensive research – you don’t have time to explore it properly.
  • Keep the dissertation simple and clear.

Write it appropriately

  • Get most of your notes and resources in order before you start writing
  • Maintain the prescribed format as you write – it will save time.
  • Maintain the planned sequence as you write – it will be easier to edit.
  • Allot a considerable time for editing and revising your paper.
  • Don’t forget to proofread and spell check the paper before you take the print out.

Take care of yourself

You have to work round the clock and it is bound to be physically exhausting. You need to preserve your energy till the end. You can take these precautions –

  • Instead of indulging in heavy meals, have enough snacks around.
  • Drink a lot of fluids during the whole period.
  • Chocolate and coffee can be an effective alternative to synthetic energy drinks.
  • Go for a short walk when you feel stuck.
  • Take short breaks between finishing objectives.
  • Ensure proper but not extended sleep cycle.