A Collection Of Catchy Advertising Dissertation Topics

Being a student is more often than not riddle with endless challenges because there are times when you will hardly tell what sort of questions are likely to be set in your end year exams. Also, a student is required to read extensively because at the end of the day, writing is something which needs a diversified and informed person if at all getting good grades remains the ultimate goal and who wants to fail in as far as academic progress is concerned? Well, one of the areas in which a student will at times be tested is dissertation writing and particularly on a topic like advertising. Over the past few decades, advertising has been the prime and most important means through which companies and individuals get to inform the public about services or products they offer. There are many functions of advertising some of which include a mean of introducing new products in the market as well as branding a company’s image.

In as far as writing dissertation papers are concerned, there is no doubt that a lot that regards advertising has been researched and most importantly put down on paper. On this premise, a student who wants to come up with a new paper on the same area has a range of options to explore. But first things first; one need a good topic because when you can one, your chances of getting good grades is multiplied many folds. With a good number always getting it right with topic creation which is imperatively significant, there are also a good number of students on the contrary, who still find it hard to come up with ideal titles for a term paper writing exercise. Therefore, in this article, I help you explore a collection of advertising related dissertation topics which you will definitely like, so take a look further for details;

  • Understanding the role of advertising in product promotion and branding. A case study will be a good way to partake on a study like this
  • The relationship between public perception of corporate image and the advertising as a tool of marketing
  • How has technology shaped advertising in the twenty first century? A case study of the internet
  • Consumer choices and preferences: How advertising help consumers make informed decisions on products to buy
  • Brand loyalty and advertising: The role of advertising in product branding